Group X and V exhibition & Baltic Winner 2024
Shining Samwise Artic Triumph -“Lucky” , went to his first show this weekend and surprised us with wonderful results. Taking into account his first show

We have new puppys! Born in 18.02.2024
A wonderful litter was born in our kennel on February 18, 2024. Parents of the litter: Father: Lord Of Ice Magia Syberii Mother: Donna Rosa

I took my first Samoyed dog Samite Halley Most Famous Comet (Steffi) in 2013, from the kennel- Samite. This moment when Aili arrived with a puppy, I couldn’t believe it was real. I was so excited, like A little girl in a candy store. The moment I looked into the car and sat next to Ail snow-white dog, then thought this wonderful creature wasn’t real..
Our Story

Samoyed Dog

The Samoyed dog is a meant to be a companion. It is characterized by strength, endurance, dignity and elegance in addition to its beautiful appearance. In the past these dogs lived…